Pioneer 116D problemi Ultra DMA 4
mi devo arrendere le ho provate tutte ho messo anke il programma per vedere i driver da aggiornare (drivermax,Detective driver ecc...) cmq i cavi sono 80 fili 40 pin... che fare BO!!
a CMQ la SCRIP ke mi hai postato sopra... è un bel virus :D levala .... stavo rischiando di formattare il pc ;)
--- Citazione da: Avan3t - Ottobre 30, 2008, 01:17:40 am ---a CMQ la SCRIP ke mi hai postato sopra... è un bel virus :D levala .... stavo rischiando di formattare il pc ;)
--- Termina citazione ---
questo è il contenuto dello script:
' Visual Basic Script program to reset the DMA status of all ATA drives
' Copyright © 2006 Hans-Georg Michna
' Version 2006-03-14
' Works in Windows XP, probably also in Windows 2000 and NT.
' Does no harm if Windows version is incompatible.
If MsgBox("This program will now reset the DMA status of all ATA drives with Windows drivers." _
& vbNewline & "Windows will redetect the status after the next reboot, therefore this procedure" _
& vbNewline & "should be harmless.", _
vbOkCancel, "Program start message") _
= vbOk Then
RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
ValueName1 = "MasterIdDataChecksum"
ValueName2 = "SlaveIdDataChecksum"
ValueName3 = "ResetErrorCountersOnSuccess"
MessageText = "The following ATA channels have been reset:"
MessageTextLen0 = Len(MessageText)
SubsequentMisses = 0
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i = 0 to 999
RegSubPath = Right("000" & i, 4) & ""
' Master
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1
e1 = Err.Number
On Error Goto 0
If e1 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1
On Error Goto 0
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine & "Master"
End If
' Slave
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2
e2 = Err.Number
On Error Goto 0
If e2 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2
On Error Goto 0
If e1 = 0 Then
MessageText = MessageText & " and "
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine
End If
MessageText = MessageText & "Slave"
End If
If e1 = 0 Or e2 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegWrite RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName3, 1, "REG_DWORD"
On Error Goto 0
ChannelName = "unnamed channel " & Left(RegSubPath, 4)
On Error Resume Next
ChannelName = WshShell.RegRead(RegPath & RegSubPath & "DriverDesc")
On Error Goto 0
MessageText = MessageText & " of " & ChannelName & ";"
SubsequentMisses = 0
SubsequentMisses = SubsequentMisses + 1
If SubsequentMisses >= 32 Then Exit For ' Don't search unnecessarily long.
End If
Next ' i
If Len(MessageText) <= MessageTextLen0 Then
MessageText = "No resettable ATA channels with Windows drivers found. Nothing changed."
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewline _
& "Please reboot now to reset and redetect the DMA status."
End If
MsgBox MessageText, vbOkOnly, "Program finished normally"
End If ' MsgBox(...) = vbOk
' End of Visual Basic Script program
ti consiglio di cambiare antivirus o in alternativa di imparare il vbscript fischio
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