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Nuove regole per chi ha un Rapishare Premium Account


Riporto quanto trovato in rete

RS News Rules - IMPORTANT!
Date : 25 Oct 2008

Rapidshare announced several important news:
1. In the future, the download volumes included in a Premium Account is going to be reduced from 10 Gigabyte a day to 80 Gigabyte a month, at continuous exact daily pro rata billing.
2. The sum of accumulated download-traffic is going to be reduced from 50 Gigabyte to 10 Gigabyte.
3. Personal web storage space is going to continue to be set to 500 Gigabyte.
4. Existing Accounts are not affected, aside that due to the change of 10 Gigabyte maximum accumulated traffic, no download volume can be transferred from one day to another.
5. For all existing Premium Accounts the old conditions are in place (10 Gigabyte download per day), however, you can already make use and profit of the new TrafficShare model.
6. A further change is going to effect a small number of users that neither upload their files through a Premium- or Collector’s Account.
Files that are stored completely anonymous can now only be downloaded 10 times. Thereafter an error message will appear.
7. With immediate effect the FileMigrator has been made available, enabling you to move any files between Accounts (Links Transfer to Premium Account | Transfer to Collector Account below file link in Premium/Collector Zones), namely with the following combinations: From Collector's to Collector's, from Collector's to Premium, from Premium to Collector's, from Premium to Premium. LinkLists can be transferred from Premium- to Premium Account. More information is available in the Collector's-Zone, and respectively in the Premium Zone.

Bella cavolata, valuterò altre fonti anche se presto o tardi tutti coloro che offrono servizzi simili si allineeranno.


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